National Association of Psychological Science

Abstract Form

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    Are you currently a NAPS member?*


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    sub-theme of IPSC-2017

    Preferred Mode of Presentation: Oral/Poster *

    ( The Scientific Committee decision for mode of presentation will be finally accepted)

    Upload Abstract (Did you follow the guidelines?)*

    Audio Visual Terms and Conditions: Presentations should be developed using a program compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint. Presenters are asked to bring their PowerPoint presentations directly to their concurrent session at least 1/2 hour prior to the start of their session. Each concurrent session room will be equipped with a meeting room projector, screen No additional audio visual equipment will be provided for presenters.

    Speaker Terms and Conditions: Speaker Commitment: I agree to allow my presentation to be audio recorded and posted as part of the NAPS Conference Proceedings. I agree to allow NAPS to post my PowerPoint presentation online as presented after to the conference.
    Every co-author of the paper is to be registered to enable for certification.
    I will check the email box to locate my acceptance of IPSC-2017 along with Speaker Terms and Conditions. If you feel you cannot accept these terms and conditions, please contact for any query.



    It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters

    I am glad to learn that the National Association of Psychological Science-India (NAPS) in cooperation with the Department of Psychology, P. G. Government College, Sector 46, Chandigarh, India along with publication partnership of the American Psychological Association (APA), is going to organize the 1st International and 3rd Indian Psychological Science Congress.

    Prof. Mhd. Kamal Uddin

    This is my pleasure to write a good wish message for your Conference. As you know, the future of psychology in India depends on how psychology can help facing the challenges of multifarious problems of individual, family, social, and national lives of the people of India.

    Prof. Abdul Khaleque

    I am delighted to learn that National Association of Psychological Science-INDIA and Psychology Dept., P.G. Govt. College, Sector-46, Chandigarh Jointly organizes 2nd International and 4th Indian Psychological Science Congress with International Collaboration of World Without Anger (W.W.A) on 8-9 October, 2015 at Chandigarh-INDIA.

    Prof. Subhash Chandra

    Panjab University, ChandigarhIt is time to become mental capitalist and to invest in our brains

    Dr. Sagar Sharma (Prof. Emeritus)

    The leadership skills of IPSC team have putted together such a successful gathering of scholars. I have no doubt that the upcoming event will be better than those in past.

    Prof. Mudita Rastogi, Argosy University, USA

    University of Delhi The IPSC-15 will surely be opening the plethora of information and debates which will spre...

    Prof. N. K. Chadha, University of Delhi

    Do you want to join our Association? Email Us at:

    About Us

    The National Association of Psychological Science (NAPS) has been established in 2010. This is an endeavour for the development, representation and advancement of different areas of psychology as a science.

    Correspondence Address

    Department of Psychology,
    Punjab University,
    Postal Code-160019 (INDIA).